I can't come before a group like this and not be blatantly political.
He has been accepting more invitations around the country than in previous years, but only to events that are not blatantly political.
By the late 1960's, radio stations across the country were crackling with blatantly political songs that became mainstream hits.
The referendum is blatantly political, and nobody had challenged it.
"It is a blatantly political document that sheds no new light on issues this system has been working toward improving."
"It is a blatantly political move," said the spokesman, Scott Williams.
Some of Budnitz's other blatantly political narratives are less successful.
The indictment was seen by Republicans as blatantly political.
There was a time when it would have been considered inappropriate for a civil servant to play such a blatantly political role.
One of your favourite artists I believe and someone who is blatantly political in his subject matter.