Saddam Hussein may not care that he is blatantly violating the laws of war.
He said it was "hard to see how we can have conversations with a government that has blatantly violated its agreements."
But if he is shown to have so blatantly violated his public trust, it would be warranted.
Some random person with more free time than sense blatantly violated a number of trademarks and had their video taken down.
Morgan might twist and bend the rules, to get what he saw as justice, but he'd never blatantly violate them.
Such a state of affairs should be avoided where possible and certain states, which blatantly violate human rights, should not feel more equal than others.
The European Union cannot stand by while fundamental freedoms are being blatantly violated.
Israel's use of administrative detention blatantly violates these restrictions.
Commission officials have admitted that Finland is blatantly violating Community and single-market rules.
The Chinese Government has blatantly violated its own Constitution.