The stocky engineer's eyes blazed angrily.
His voice was sharp, and Vroxhan blinked as the lord marshal's eyes blazed angrily into his.
His eyes blazed angrily.
He fell back a hasty step, slitted ruby eyes blazing angrily.
Tom saw that his friend was about to blaze back angrily, and put a firm hand on Bud's muscular arm.
His eyes blazed angrily in his pale face.
And if his ancient blade didn't blaze angrily against its rival, that was the impression it gave those who saw it then.
The eyes blazed angrily in his dark, pudgy face, causing Kelly to draw a little closer.
Craven rose from his chair, his blue eyes blazing angrily behind the heavy lenses.
The toad began to shiver slightly, and the crosses in its dark red eyes blazed angrily at Kissy as if it knew it was all her fault.