Batters and bleacher fans disliked it, and it was removed after a couple of seasons.
In modern usage the term "bleachers" almost always refers to just the seating area, and those sitting there may be called "bleacher fans", or "bleacherites".
It really is a bleacher fan saying, 'Here is what you should do, Coach.'
The bleacher fans had placed a large poster on the back wall in right center field which read: "Eisenreich Has Courage."
The bleacher fans even included Wells in their roll call, a ritual in which they chant a player's name until he waves to them in right.
And it sounded as if he enjoyed playing in front of the bleacher fans who are some of the craziest in either league.
The bleacher fans at Wrigley Field did not have many chances to cheer the Cubs, but they showered their star left fielder with gifts.
When the bleacher fans were displeased at a play, they made a loose fist and blew into the hole near the curled thumb.
Later, when he took the field, the bleacher fans saluted him by chanting his name.
The bleacher fans belted their usual roll call, chanting the name of each player on the field.