The stadium's 18,000 bleacher seats were not enough to accommodate the crowd.
I say strange because the reporters appeared content with their bleacher seats.
He sat in $17 bleacher seats with his wife, Megan.
Thousands more sat on reserved bleacher seats that sold for $12.50 to $100.
In the summer of 2009, 1,500 additional bleacher seats were added to the south end zone to bring capacity up to 33,500.
The line for $6.50 bleacher seats wound around the ball park.
Only bleacher seats were left by the time Jennifer got to the ticket window, but that was fine with her.
We bought $8 bleacher seats and settled into them before the first pitch.
"There's not many schools out there that are simply adding bleacher seats."
Due to the nature of baseball, bleacher seats put you very far from the action.