He was bleeding onto the door handle and into the street.
He wakes up the next morning hung over, with the cut in his hand having bled onto the bed.
While he was making love with the woman she died and his eyes bled onto the bed, causing it to become possessed.
Or the bush the thorns of which bled onto its own blossoms?
The girl bled a stream of blood onto the hide and dirt, but she did not cry or move.
Raw heartache bled onto her soul, but she held it in check.
- that sometimes bleed onto the yellow, as if smashed against the canvas.
In places, the colors had bled onto the pale beach, which was strewn with rocks.
By the time Genevieve lifted her horrified eyes to the others, they, too, were bleeding their life's blood onto the sands.
Balked, he nailed the gun to the canvas and let it bleed onto the art.