Mr. Park knows how to blend classical and contemporary techniques.
Goldenthal is best known for his ability to blend different musical styles and techniques in original and inventive ways.
Because impasto gives texture to the painting, it can be opposed to flat, smooth, or blending techniques.
Igor Novikov blends in his paintings diverse techniques, styles and time levels.
Chefs, too, must have been wondering, because they are now rushing to the simple but appetizing idea of blending Indian and Western ingredients and techniques.
We're blending vocal techniques, as well as repertoire.
Outrage and Curiosity Because Ms. Kelley blends techniques from all these styles of writing, no clear answer seems possible.
"We're trying to blend American techniques with the historical way things are done in Japan."
Bose also ventured into modern art by blending old and new techniques.
The score of is difficult to categorize; blending brass band, orchestral and avant-garde compositional techniques.