This blended approach is intended to give graduating students the option of matriculating at American colleges or local universities.
Our intention is to have more of a blended approach.
Such blended multi-disciplinary approaches have since become common.
For this reason, a blended approach of scripted and exploratory testing is often used to reap the benefits while mitigating each approach's disadvantages.
The company uses a blended approach, with a textbook and software (called Cognitive Tutor) for each subject.
Maybe we should aim for what the funds call a blended approach: Live foolishly.
They also take a blended algorithmic approach, one that-hooray!
Under a blended approach, the general and limited partners share equally in profits and losses.
Suppliers of voluntary offsets operate under both nonprofit and social enterprise models, or a blended approach sometimes referred to as triple bottom line.
Just goes to show that Microsoft's blended approach on WP7 really is the best of both worlds.