The five Hilliard singers render these pieces beautifully, in the smoothly blended sound that has become the ensemble's trademark.
Luckily it's much better than our present alphabet, with letters for all the blended sounds, and vowel symbols significantly improved.
Together, they produce a magnificently blended sound with a remarkable coloristic range.
On its last visit to New York, in 1990, it produced a beautifully blended sound for Andre Previn.
As the Isrealites, the choir produced a rich, velvety, beautifully blended sound.
The group sang with its trademark tonal beauty, finely blended sound and elegantly sculptured phrasing.
This all-female quartet produces a beautifully blended sound and an unerring sense of medieval liturgical styles.
A murmur of blended sound came from the valley below, punctuated by high-pitched laughter.
One can argue against perfectly blended sound and absolute unanimity of thought, but here the differences were extreme.
These young, energetic players produce a beautifully blended sound and have lavished as much attention on new music as on repertory staples.