These three dishes cover nearly half the appetizers: the menu at Dennis Foy is blessedly short.
The French menu is blessedly short.
The heating system never really worked, but the stove usually did and everyone gathered in the kitchen for warmth during the blessedly short Texas winters.
Campbell's escalade up the precipice saved an enormous number of lives and cut a nasty fight blessedly short.
A Concorde flight is not particularly comfortable, just blessedly short.
The walk to the car was blessedly short.
Eadred gave a sermon that was blessedly short even though he spoke in both English and Danish.
The trip to Queens was crowded, hot, and blessedly short.
Our last stop was a ride on a real camel around a blessedly short circle.
I loved it once, during those barren, blessedly short years between my grandfather's death and Clayton's arrival.