Then, the refusal of the President to dismiss Tynan, which might have brought Tynan's activities into the open and damaged the Amendment, had been another blighted hope.
So you move on to the mental torture of betrayal and blighted hope.
Mr Tapley took this occasion of looking about him with a grin, and subsequently attacking the breakfast, with an appetite not at all expressive of blighted hopes, or insurmountable despondency.
In the three days since his interview with the Bishop he had scarcely been able to speak for the bitterness of his blighted hopes.
The election results showed that voters across the country sought to exorcise their sense of blighted hope by punishing incumbents.
Patiently, but with blighted hope, we broke more sticks and piled them, and once more the Prussian shot them into annihilation.
Each word made him suffer, tortured him with the blighted hopes of a twenty-year-old man in love.
After two decades of blighted hope and slow decay in Zimbabwe, a fledgling democracy movement seems to have captured popular support and is threatening to topple the established order.
It was the end of autumn, that melancholy season which suggests so many gloomy thoughts and recalls so many blighted hopes.
It was a chamber of blighted hopes into which he stepped.