City officials and Related see it as a rare opportunity to develop, and create jobs for, a blighted section of the Bronx.
But Mr. Gibson said that, except for certain blighted sections of the city, the rat problem in New York had improved.
During the 1960s, he represented United Neighbors, a citizens' group advocating improvements in a blighted section of West Philadelphia.
"The only way we can afford to build this kind of housing is on city-owned land in blighted sections where blacks and Hispanics already live," Mr. Gary said.
The success of that effort proved there was a market for single-family homes in even the most blighted sections of the South Bronx.
He even wore a hard hat, climbed aboard a back-loader and helped raze an abandoned building in a blighted section of Camden.
"It was quite a blighted section, with radio and electronic shops in old structures, clothing stores, bars and many other businesses that could be relocated without much anguish," he later wrote.
In addition to the Convention Center, the project included the removal of blighted sections of the southern downtown area.
Sure enough, a blighted section of forest appeared below.
Many parents in this blighted section of the city were struggling, but would not think of leaving their children, they said.