She plays the female lead, the chief's blind daughter and love interest to Joaquin Phoenix's part.
Nicolai danced the tanana with his blind daughter, and the impact of the dance was doubled.
He started his travels after the death of his blind daughter.
A blind daughter would be a child I could show love to and help her as she grew into a woman.
What time the dreamy Caleb still stood, watching his blind daughter, with the same expression on his face.
My dear blind daughter, hear me and forgive me!
Linvill's blind daughter, Candy, was then the subject who attempted to learn to read the text presented in this fashion.
At the same time he had kept the Hiroguchis, but not his blind daughter, in the dark, so to speak, about what was likely awaiting them.
While in jail, he is said to have converted his jailer by healing his blind daughter's sight.
With no other options, the group goes to the house owned by Julie's friends, where they find the family's blind daughter, Henriette.