If you're looking for that kind of blind devotion, look someplace else.
And it might also have helped the extreme right to understand why he fell away from blind devotion to their causes.
He has stated that the theme of the show is "blind devotion", with no political or religious agenda.
The central theme of this show is blind devotion, and you can look at that in two different ways.
But the days of their blind devotion was past.
But slowly our blind devotion to industrial America began to give way to a growing sense of the new economy.
He was touched by the things they said, but their blind devotion somehow troubled him.
It's become my belief of late that the Prophets have no use for blind devotion.
But she had just enough blind devotion to her father to make Jake worry.
"You're the answer to every maiden's dreams, and we follow you out of blind devotion."