Adam Graves, his back to the goal, turned and slid a blind pass back through the slot.
"We can almost make the blind pass," he said.
He had never met Bird, other than a passing handshake - oh, and of course, watching the man toss 3-pointers and blind passes to win games.
Detroit led by 1-0 in the second period when Chabot threw a blind pass around the boards.
You make a hook shot, a power drop, a blind pass.
Goes on like they have before, everybody will drink themselves blind arid pass out.
He arched a blind pass down the court that West ran under and kissed off the glass in one graceful motion.
Joe Sakic gained control of the puck in the right corner and sent a blind, back-handed pass into the slot.
Ramage picked up the puck and accidentally made a blind pass from the corner boards in the opposing zone to the blue line.
There were blind passes galore and other passes that were just beyond reach.