Blinder, Robinson, along with other brokers, made markets in the blind pools.
While the number of bank stocks is quite large, blind pools are not foolproof.
But some legal specialists wonder about the effectiveness of such barriers as blind pools and Chinese walls.
But he said that had changed, "since the regulatory bodies have eliminated the fraudulent blind pools out there."
Another peculiarity of the arrangement is the use of a blind pool.
Cases like this have proliferated in recent years, leading to wide-scale criticism of blind pools by some government and business officials.
For example, many blind pools are undercapitalized, with little or no assets beyond those raised in the offering.
"As of next month, blind pools will be legal for Broadway for the first time."
In a hundred steps it grew broader, slowed, and ended in a long blind pool under a dome of leaves.
A "blind pool" offering simply indicates the general sector of the economy in which investments will be made.