Its keel, at this point, was perhaps thrpe feet above the ground, but the pushpots cast up blinding clouds of smoke and nobody could be sure.
It fell thirty yards ahead of him, and the thorn scrub erupted in a blinding white cloud of phosphorus smoke.
With a stony face Bell watched as two robot-controlled ray-cannons situated at the edge of the landing field were incinerated in a blinding radioactive cloud.
Putting weight on his wounded legs sent a blinding cloud of black fire through his head and back, but he stood.
While inside a thick, blinding cloud, she nearly shuffled right into one of the transponders, standing there like a fat fencepost.
Outside, a stiff breeze stirred up blinding, brown clouds of dust.
They continued to fight despite blinding clouds of tear gas, despite the possibility of prison and torture.
One drew the flaps up and the other released a blinding cloud of black smoke that completely enveloped the tank-plane.
A blinding white cloud blossomed up to the north and grew until it covered the entire horizon.
When angered, she emits a large, blinding cloud of ink, like an octopus.