But Mr. Baker raises a truly serious safety issue: the blinding effect of their headlights on drivers of normal cars.
This blinding effect must already have caused many accidents.
The blinding effect of the flashbomb had long passed, so that the American's vision had been restored.
From The Shadow's left hand came a vivid flash, with the blinding effect of lightning.
She paused a moment to get over the blinding effect.
Every 30 to 40 minutes in real time, the player must take a pill in order to combat the blinding and potentially deadly effects of the illness.
Up to 3 flares can be carried at once, but the blinding effect stops stacking at three.
What he actually did was fling his cloak folds across his eyes to ward off the blinding effect of the lightning burst.
They have a blinding effect similar to that of high-beam lights, but these lights can't be dimmed like a car's high beams.
The sky above had turned black, though with the blinding effect of the wind and the dust, they scarcely noticed this added hindrance to their vision.