And what he came back with was not a blistering indictment of the war in Iraq.
In a review for Human Events, Larry Kelley says the "book is a blistering indictment of a misogynistic polygamous world of the supposedly moderate Egyptian society."
This was "Regina," his musical setting of Lillian Hellman's "Little Foxes," a blistering indictment of the avarice and social exploitation that tears apart the Hubbard family.
The only way to protect the admiral, and thus themselves, had been to suppress the entire inquiry, because any accurate report would have been a blistering indictment of Porter's ineptitude and cowardice.
One day after President Obama delivered a blistering indictment of "human and systemic failures" leading up to the foiled attack, the battle to assign blame for these failures escalated on Wednesday.
Scarcely three months after Carol B. Hallett took over as head of the 200-year-old Customs Service, Congressional overseers published a blistering indictment of her domain.
More importantly, it is a blistering indictment of the largely unregulated market in derivatives and serves as a warning to unwary investors about real fiascos, which have cost billions of dollars.
Moments after the Yankees' 8-4 loss, Steinbrenner, their principal owner, issued a blistering indictment of his team.
And the album ends with "Fin," which sounds like a blistering indictment of an absent father, or Father: "We're not questioning God/Just those he chose to carry on his cause."
The battle over whether New York should reinstate the death penalty went before the public yesterday, as witnesses at a state legislative hearing delivered a blistering indictment of capital punishment.