Ling seemed blithely unaware of having done anything wrong.
Until the end, they are blithely unaware that they're living in an overdesigned moral disaster of their own creation.
The guy wasn't the least bit psychic so he was blithely unaware of Madlyn's crush.
What is even more disturbing is the fact that Americans seem to be blithely unaware of how others see them.
At such moments, he seems blithely unaware of the fact that for many New Yorkers, developer is a dirty word.
Flame had remained blithely unaware of the extent of the damage, and in any case her own judgment was no longer entirely sound.
"Ah, yes," her father continued, blithely unaware of the route her unruly thoughts had taken.
Horace seems blithely unaware that his wife is about to jump ship.
His wife was blithely unaware that anything had happened.
The two teens soon become inseparable friends; she shows him around London, with her father blithely unaware of the relationship.