The Department, with about 3,600 employees, has become a symbol of bloated, wasteful bureaucracy.
But its political leaders made things worse by building one of urban America's most bloated and least efficient bureaucracies.
Everyone's against that, until paring down a bloated federal bureaucracy means closing the local military base.
To him, bloated bureaucracies just get in the way.
They just had a bloated administrative bureaucracy, which wasn't in any way helping health care.
It has done nothing to slim the bloated bureaucracy or to sell off state companies.
Like many innovations, the program was buried by a bloated bureaucracy.
Many members of Congress have criticized the bank for maintaining a "bloated" bureaucracy.
That magical money taken from everyone, circulated through a bloated bureaucracy and then given back to people.
One of its executives went further: "We are the big fat bloated bureaucracy."