"When people realize we are blocking a small number of very ideological conservative judges, they say that's just fine," Mr. Schumer said.
In 2005, Citizens In Charge was instrumental in blocking a number of proposed legislative restrictions to the initiative process in Nevada.
Democratic leaders openly blocked a number of such appointments in the hope that a Democrat would be elected President.
To block a number, a caller would simply punch a code - tentatively *67 - before making a call.
The board's "Paganistas," as their detractors call them, have managed to block a number of initiatives that would bring less expensive housing to the neighborhood.
Senate Republicans have been irate over the fact that Democrats are using filibusters to block a small number of judicial nominees whom they consider extremist.
Mr. Schumer, a member of the influential Judiciary Committee, has played a critical role in blocking a small number of the president's nominations to the federal bench.
The circular object blocks a certain number of Fresnel zones.
In January 2013, Wetpaint blocked a number of wikis without explanation.
Two minor actors, who have since left the profession, have blocked a number of episodes, and they are unlikely to be shown.