Seeking to block an increase in the premiums banks pay to the deposit insurance fund, bankers and Administration officials said they were close to victory on the eve of a pivotal vote.
That argument, raised by civil rights and transit advocates in a lawsuit against the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, led a Federal judge last week to block a 25-cent subway-fare increase.
In 2011, Pope voted to override the veto of Governor Bobby Jindal, who had blocked a legislative increase in the tobacco tax.
The idea was proposed as a way to neutralize Republican threats to block an increase in the statutory debt ceiling thereby causing the nation to default on its debt.
On September 8, 2011, one of the complex mechanisms to further increase the debt ceiling took place as the Senate defeated a resolution to block a $500 billion automatic increase.
Democrats have been trying to highlight the issue for months, accusing Republicans of blocking an increase while allowing Congressional pay to rise steadily.
Republicans also blocked a proposed $200 million increase in financing for the National Science Foundation, he complained.
I don't believe he wants to be seen any longer blocking a modest increase in the minimum wage.
In 2003, for example, it joined general consumer groups in Florida in an unsuccessful attempt to block a $350 million increase in telephone rates.
This has been demonstrated by using an inhibitor of mTOR, rapamycin, to block an increase in muscle mass, despite increases in load (e.g., exercise).