The Bush administration has been going to court to block lawsuits by consumers who say they have been injured by prescription drugs and medical devices.
In exchange for the agreement, President Clinton has pledged that the United States will do everything it can to block new class-action lawsuits brought in the United States against German corporations.
First, the question of whether the states have the constitutional authority to block lawsuits by the cities may need to be answered, and it could take the Supreme Court to resolve the matter.
It is disheartening that the Bush administration has been intervening in court to block lawsuits filed by people seeking compensation from manufacturers for harm allegedly caused by drugs or medical devices.
Mr. Feeney made no bones about the bill's aim: to block civil lawsuits against gun dealers.
IT would be "absolutely impermissible" for the Government to block lawsuits against the tobacco companies, David A. Kessler, the former Commissioner of Food and Drugs, said last week.
In exchange, President Clinton pledged that the United States will do what it can to block class-action lawsuits brought against German corporations.
For years, federal and state courts blocked most lawsuits against H.M.O.'s, saying they were precluded by the federal law on employee benefits, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.
The commission has also failed to block lawsuits.
Beiswenger was later quoted as saying he believes "authors should vigorously defend their rights in their creative works", and suggested that Ubisoft's motion to block future lawsuits from Beiswenger hints at their guilt.