And he reaffirmed his intention to block renewal of the laws, which are scheduled to expire on June 15, unless the Democrats who control the Assembly agree to sharply scale back rent protections.
In a recent battle on Capitol Hill, India, which has fought three wars with Pakistan, sought to block renewal of Pakistani aid because of reports that Islamabad was using stolen American technology to make nuclear weapons.
Human Rights Watch, which led the battle to block renewal of the trade benefits, voiced even greater disdain, accusing Mr. Clinton of "effectively removing all pressure on China to improve its human rights practices."
The Justice Department, eager to block renewal of the law authorizing special prosecutors, seizes on such difficulties as a further argument.
It also was not clear what Mr. Bush's threat to block renewal of the endangered species law actually means in practical terms.
Earlier this week Mr. Bush vowed to block renewal of the Endangered Species Act unless it took jobs into account, a position that widened the gap between himself and the Democrats.
The Natural Resources Defense Council, a national group, is suing the Interior Department to block renewal of the lease.
In the closing days of the 100th Congress, an initiative supported by organized labor could block renewal of an operating charter for the 19-year-old Government agency that insures American investment overseas.
PDA is attempting to block renewal of fast track authority that allows the White House to enact trade deals without Congressional amendment.
The three officials have denied Mr. Borrero's allegation that they threatened to block renewal of WADO's federal license if the commentator did not tone down his talk.