During unrest a year ago, strikes and transportation tie-ups blocked shipments of oilfield equipment.
The Serbs have blocked shipments from getting through to the besieged Muslims in eastern Bosnia.
Last year the Government blocked shipments of arms to Bolivia and Panama when it suspected that the weapons were destined for other places, probably the former Yugoslavia.
Japan has also tried to block shipments of cash and illegal contraband between North Korea and Japan.
This is evidenced of this is found in the September 2010 incident blocked shipments of rare earth minerals to Japan.
Alaska has filed suit against the Federal Government to block proposed shipments of plutonium from Europe to Japan that might require a fuel stop in the state.
Workers in an increasing number of plants are staging work slowdowns, blocking shipments or threatening to strike.
With Britain locked in a major war with Napoleon's France, its policy was to block American shipments to France.
Energy Department officials said they were studying whether the Governor had the power to block shipments.
Last Friday, a Federal judge overturned a jury verdict that had blocked shipments of the clones.