Another area of possible agreement involves a proposal to make it a state crime to block access to abortion clinics.
In recent years, clinic operators and women's rights groups have invoked the law to prevent anti-abortion protesters from blocking the entrances to abortion clinics.
Has aggressively enforced new law that makes it a crime to block access to abortion clinics.
The State Senate approved a bill tonight making it a crime to block access to abortion clinics.
Among the present-day domestic dissenters conspicuously absent, however, are religious fundamentalists and the people who try to block access to abortion clinics.
The police arrested more than 300 people here who blocked access to abortion clinics with cars, metal blockades and human walls.
Judge Kelly has forbidden members of Operation Rescue, the anti-abortion search-and-destroy group, to block access to abortion clinics in town.
In 1994 he allowed a vote on a bill to make it illegal to block access to abortion clinics.
But he denied Mr. Orlins's charge that he had "ever blocked entrances to abortion clinics or in any way broken the law."
Abortion Clinic Access: Vote on a compromise bill making it a Federal crime to block access to abortion clinics.