As they were rushing out afterward, Andrea, the daughter, who has straight blond-brown hair, came across Barry Slotnick, a tall, bearded lawyer who appeared in the scene she had just drawn.
He is described as having blond-brown fringy hair and wears glasses.
He was a cute kid with tousled blond-brown hair, good skin, and a single silver earring in his right ear.
An alert guest, a bodybuilder-type guy with thick, dry blond-brown hair that resembled a lion's mane, dove for it with an outfielder's extended reach.
Her blond-brown hair looked much darker when wet.
He had blond-brown hair.
She is 50, with blond-brown hair and bags under her eyes.
Several times Martine caught glimpses of little gnome housewives with blond-brown hair bound up in a bun.
She paused to survey the bridge, a slim, tall, pale young woman with blond-brown hair that bobbed, confined in graceful locks, against her shoulders.
"That sounded like a really excellent plan to keep her occupied when we decided on it," Kylin answered, running a big hand through his streaky blond-brown hair.