The door to the temple opened and the blond-haired man appeared.
The blond-haired man, his nerve gone, made a break for it.
Her eyes went back to the picture, to the blond-haired young man.
Meanwhile, the blond-haired man spoke quietly with the police and was quickly led away.
He turned to the woman behind him, who had with her an equally striking blond-haired man, also dressed all in white.
There he turned and say a tall blond-haired man holding out an empty glass.
According to one Iraqi official, the militant team was led by a blond-haired man.
The blond-haired man was for a moment almost stripped of pose.
And then the blond-haired man framed in the door spoke.
They were standing next to the blond-haired man in front of Disneyland.