Rebecca turned her head and a thick blonde tress of hair fell across one eye.
She had retreated at his advance to stand before the window, pale starlight on her hair, the blonde tresses shimmering as if dusted with silver.
Kneeling down next to the black figure, Cobran pulled its hood off, revealing long blonde tresses.
She flicked blonde tresses expertly over a shoulder.
The image was that of a smiling, narrow-faced woman with generous lips and long wavy blonde tresses.
Ahead, just short of what looked to be a chandlery, he saw a woman, with long blonde tresses plaited into a single braid down her back.
One of them, with flowing blonde tresses, admitted he was "only joking," but the other told me, "I have to be at work by 9:30."
The chip curled like a blonde tress out of the planer, one clean strip, and Dad chuckled with delight.
She leaned back against the pressure, and a cool mountain breeze played with her long blonde tresses.
Kit smiled back, leaned forward and, lifted her blonde tresses to tuck the flower behind her ear.