But self-directed blood banking did not attract large numbers until the 1980's.
One such advance was the development of modern-day blood banking in 1939.
Dr. Feldschuh said Health Department officials were conspiring to shut down his business because they disapprove of private blood banking.
Products for human health and blood banking (Chagas, H. pylori, rotavirus, blood tests).
Shamir, Eidelman, et al. studied the interaction between inspiration and removal of 10% of a patient's blood volume for blood banking before surgery.
In blood banking, PEG is used as a potentiator to enhance detection of antigens and antibodies.
The United States has no national blood banking or organ donor system under governmental control, as in Canada and Europe.
The proposed guidelines would require blood banks to take these steps: *Train employees and follow standard procedures for all aspects of blood banking.
The development of blood typing and blood banking made blood transfusion safe and widely available.
He completed a blood banking and transfusion medicine fellowship at the Mayo Clinic.