His life already ended, blood still gurgling from his wounds, Ted crumpled to the floor in front of the altar.
Yobo collapsed, blood gurgling from his mouth.
The knife fell from his hand, and in seconds, blood gurgled out of his mouth, painting his jacket a deep crimson.
The sorcerer thrust the blade in again, and the scream died as blood gurgled from the knight's mouth.
Was it blood she heard gurgling in his throat?
Archer coughed, new blood gurgled in his throat.
The scream sounded again, more shrilly; blood gurgled in the long throat and gushed from the gaping mouth.
Young One was still alive; blood was gurgling in his throat as he tried to breathe.
The soldier's torso was drenched in blood; blood gurgled out of his chest like a flowing spring.
Thin blood jetted from the wound and gurgled from his slack mouth.