Tonight, through the smoke from five thousand camp fires, a blood-red moon, a few days past full, was rising over the eastern hills.
Another group saw it hovering behind the trees, appearing like a blood-red moon.
On May 19, 1780, northeastern America experienced a day of extraordinary darkness followed by a blood-red moon that night.
The House of Usher collapses as the friend makes his escape under a blood-red moon.
Balanced on the precipice of the ice-bound horizon was the moon, huge and blood-red, a bullet hole in ebon flesh.
The only colors on stage, apart from a blood-red moon, are black, white and gray - gray being the shade of most of the actors' faces.
It is at times blue and inviting, casting brilliant light and shade or else murkily lit by a blood-red moon.
When the blood-red moon appears again, he walks into the pond to try to wash the blood of his body, but he drowns.
Charles Edwards's sets eliminated any sense of nature; the blood-red moon referred to in the score is simply a glow coming from a door.
Beyond the railing and out to sea, a blood-red moon squatted on the horizon.