All he achieved were stinging pains and a blood-smeared face.
The blood-smeared face was slack and pale, the eyes hidden under half-closed lids.
They looked deeply into each other's blood-smeared faces, reading the other's soul and matching it to their own.
Starlight flashed off the teeth in his bruised and blood-smeared face.
A brief look of surprise flared on the woman's blood-smeared face, then died with her.
Mosul was standing, too, at attention, loyalty on his blood-smeared face.
He must have been quite a shock, coming alive like that, a stranger with a blood-smeared face.
I felt awful and a glimpse of my pale and blood-smeared face in a mirror did nothing to make me feel any better.
The salt from her tears stung the open wounds on her blood-smeared face.
She saw Robin's blood-smeared face and held out her hand to him.