A wild thundering filled her heartless, bloodless body, quickening her to frenzy.
Cvric's men had left little else behind: a few crumbs of uneaten food and the bloodless body of an injured companion.
The company had puzzled over this until a rider found the proprietor's bloodless body.
A tall, black-haired man leaped off the beast, examined Keiemvor's bloodless body, then inspected the rest of the scene.
Don't worry, I shall remove the bloodless body from your premises.
Four bloodless human bodies were found with slashed throats in a field near Klek Mountain, according to one report.
Inside the freezer, he finds the other parts of the doll, severed just like the bloodless bodies of the dead women.
He was an invisible specter who had left for evidence of his existence the bloodless bodies of their loved ones.
He could not bear to look at Mar-tine's lifeless, bloodless body.