Together, Bob Moses and Dave Dennis have returned to the bloodiest battleground of the civil rights movement.
Yet for all that, health provides just about the bloodiest battleground in British politics today.
It is the New Quarter, built on a bloody battleground.
Cuban history, as Pressly put it, is "a bloody battleground".
No single piece of good news or pessimism can do justice to what is now happening in five nations, three of them bloody battlegrounds.
Natal is the birthplace of Inkatha and the bloodiest battleground in the power struggle between the two organizations.
Whatever the casualty figures, for the second time in eight years, the "busiest and most famous square in Europe" had been transformed into a bloody battleground.
I then told him jokingly that Sloane Square might well become a bloody battleground.
The Western Front became an extremely bloody battleground of trench warfare.