Don't give me any of your bloody cheek.
"You're probably going to think it a bloody cheek, but do you think I could do a quick search of your premises?"
Runne patted his bloody cheek with the T-shirt he'd taken off when he reached the car.
The bloody cheek you've got inside of you.
He pushed the man's sweat-dampened hair from his forehead and touched his bloody cheek.
Firstly, may I say, they had a bloody cheek asking you in the first place.
'Because she had the bloody cheek to say no one should fight for England if there's a war,' Maggie said.
Well they've got a bloody cheek then int they, to do a full street?
I think Berlin has got a bloody cheek if they really intend trying to assassinate us.
The eye itself was smeared down its bloody cheek.