The result was a bloody defeat for the British.
The Catholic peasants suffered a bloody defeat at Loshult.
Hakon, demonstrating great resilience, had had a couple of slight wounds bound up, and seemed already to be putting his recent bloody defeat behind him.
In 1871, following the bloody defeat of the Paris Commune, he started publishing socialist journalism.
How swiftly he had been able to stiffen their spirit since that bloody defeat!
But it was, she thought, a past plundered and lost forever after Bonnie Prince Charlie's bloody defeat.
It ended in a bloody defeat for the Scots.
The two forces became entangled in an impromptu fight, which ended in a bloody defeat for the rebels.
After a final bloody defeat by the Muslims in 1309, Christian forces were forced from the Holy Land.
After his bloody defeat at Franklin, Hood continued to Nashville.