The story goes that in 1170 Owain died and, almost immediately, a violent and very bloody dispute arose between his 13 children regarding the succession.
Eventually the French were expelled by the Portuguese due to their bloody disputes with the Tupinambás, which resulted in a significant decrease in the Indian population in that region.
The first half of the poem, Madoc in Wales, describes Madoc, a young Welsh nobleman, whose family breaks down into a series of bloody disputes over royal succession.
Rivalry between the two factions led to numerous bloody disputes on both sides, a tradition which still persists, albeit less heatedly, to this day.
When Sultan Alam Bagagarsyah was still 15 years old, a bloody dispute with the Padri in Koto Tangah happened.
As such Arwystli was the scene of periodic bloody disputes between the two kingdoms.
Mr. Carter is reportedly in Liberia, where he is expected to help mediate a bloody dispute between feuding tribal groups.
The Middle East is a source of vital oil supplies to the West and the location of one of the longest and bloodiest disputes between the Arab world and Israel.
Mirza's efforts to resolve the bloody disputes by sending a petition through a delegate of two of his men to Lenin did not result in a resolution.
But when it comes to the bloody dispute over Kashmir, little is as it seems.