Clawfuls of bloody entrails were crammed into cavernous jaws.
The rest of the pieces were just bloody entrails, globs of flesh, bits of bone.
The flesh pulled apart, and bloody entrails - white and red and blue - tumbled into the water like laundry falling from a basket.
When she came upon him with his jaws buried in the bloody entrails, she wanted to find out who had made the kill.
But neither do they feel like burying their hands up to the elbows in bloody entrails and shouting for pure joy.
The sight of bloody entrails and torn limbs hadn't sickened him, but this did.
A girl sat apart from the others, gnawing on a double handful of bloody entrails.
This spirit has a female head and bloody entrails instead of a body.
The horse had been disemboweled, its bloody entrails still steaming on the ground, its long yellow teeth bared in the final agony.
Inspired by his reading, he makes offerings of bloody entrails and red berries to the ferret.