In 1809, during a particularly bloody siege, the Spaniards were overwhelmed by superior enemy forces.
Accompanied by members of other tribes, Cortés returns to carry out a bloody siege.
After suffering a 12-year long and bloody siege, it was stormed and burned by him.
Are you saying we should sacrifice men in a bloody siege that we already know .
After five months of bloody siege, the Russians entered the town in 10 December 1877.
The bloody siege of the ranch complex in Waco has already left at least six police and cult members dead.
Hundreds of them died or were maimed by rockets during a bloody siege that lasted nearly two months.
In total, 95 people were killed during the bloody siege.
It changed hands at least nine times in bloody sieges between 1631 and 1875, finally falling under British control.
When they return, their farmhouse becomes the site of a bloody siege.