Thomas secures the money, but only after Robert has been beaten and his son has exacted bloody vengeance.
Riane stood, walking a little bit away, staring into her V'ornn heart, seeing a bloody vengeance she could not have.
Out there, somewhere, waiting for its chance for bloody vengeance against its murderous son.
But Tom declined the offer, afraid that the natives might take bloody vengeance on the trio.
Smitten with grief; he turned back in order to wreak bloody vengeance on the city.
Brian hadn't taken a bloody vengeance on the people of Dyflin, but he had taken a huge tribute.
Everyone listened to the Resistance which had sworn bloody vengeance on all collaborators.
After the towers collapsed, one mourning friend vowed a bloody vengeance.
He will take bloody vengeance, when once he comes into power.
The British public was outraged and took delight in bloody vengeance, including mass-killings of civilians.