"And they always bloom at the same time as the umbrella trees!"
Tagore's idea on education was that every person is genius and that all students may not bloom at the same time.
It blooms almost at the same time as the winter aconite and the two can be set near each other.
Flowers bloom before or at the same time as the leaves grow.
It does not bloom and bear fruit at the same time.
For maximum effect, it is best to plant all the same variety so they will bloom at the same time.
A trick of survival in the high desert was to bloom and die at the same time.
Fortunately, the tulips were all Darwin hybrids and would bloom at roughly the same time.
Remember when selecting tulips, choose types that bloom at the same time in compatible colors.
It is especially important to choose plants that don't bloom at the same time, so that the butterflies can feed all summer.