The violet bloomed beautifully for a year or so.
These are the so-called summer bulbs, sorts that are not hardy in the Northeast winters, but grow and bloom beautifully in summer.
It will thrive in moist soil, even in boggy conditions with occasional flooding; it will also bloom beautifully in dappled shade.
Saving Morning Glories Q. I have morning glories planted along a fence that bloom beautifully.
Then one day I forgot the color of a rose that bloomed quite beautifully on my roof all summer.
They bloomed beautifully the first spring - fragrant orange flowers flamed with bronzy-purple - and I eagerly awaited their return the next year.
I'm also fond of tuberoses, which bloomed beautifully in pots on my roof last summer, thanks to a reader who sent me some tubers of Polianthese tuberosa.
Lilac Seed Pods Q. Our lilacs bloomed beautifully this year, but now the bushes are full of green berries.
They now stand 15 feet high, and they bloom beautifully, in a luscious shade of watermelon red, late every summer.
I have had the plants for seven years and they bloom beautifully in the summer, but when they are moved to their winter location in a southern window, they do not bloom.