Score just the rind, as you would an orange, in quarters, from stem to blossom end.
Cut off the blossom end and peel off the rind in sections.
Cut the apple in half from stem to blossom end.
The damage always begins opposite the stem, at the blossom end, because that is the farthest point from the flow of water and calcium.
Meanwhile, peel the pears neatly with a vegetable peeler, keeping the stem but removing the blossom end.
Some melons, like Persians, cantaloupes and casabas, have a little softness at the blossom end when ripe, while others do not.
In many respects it is similar to the Buttercup squash, but without the characteristic cup on the blossom end.
If tomatoes have blossom-end rot, a brown soft area on the blossom end of the fruit, they are probably not getting water regularly.
When the fruits are mature, and the seeds are ready to be dispersed, a small part of the bottom tip (blossom end) opens up.
Infections on fruit are usually near the blossom end and are somewhat similar to the leaf lesions.