Carefully raising his right arm, he blotted the sweat away with his sleeve.
The user's standards of valuation and ability to critique himself would be blotted away in a wash of endorphins, false memories, and self-sustaining sophistries.
Strange that she wasn't shipping water-no, the water came inboard and was soaked up, blotted away; a fine rain sprang from the boat's sides, back down into the sea.
This time they'll find them all. . . ." Her lashes clotted with tears that could not fall, but only accumulate until blotted away.
With the back of his forearm, he gently, very gently, blotted the dampness away, ignoring the itching of the scrape across his right temple.
The white mage blotted away the blood gently, then stopped and extracted another sliver of glass from his hair above his right ear.
She then cut from the base of the neck to the lower end of the sternum, while one of the residents blotted away the blood with gauze pads.
Still, her eyes teared slightly, and she blotted the dampness away, clearing her throat and looking westward.
Fearless's communications section had been blotted away, rendering her deaf and dumb, but there was more than enough internal bad news.
Blood and fluid welled, was blotted away.