The wind is blowing directly across the boat, it's known as the basic two position.
It blew over them directly into the black forest behind them.
The wind - gusting up to 35 miles an hour - blew directly from one end of the field to the other the entire game.
The rain seemed to be blowing directly into his eyes no matter which way he turned his head.
It meant nothing to him that a gentle breeze was blowing directly into his face.
Tonight the wind blew directly into their faces as they looked toward the city, and the sounds it carried to them were faint but clear.
Drizzle began to fall, blowing directly into their faces.
They ruffled in the wind that blew directly across Hathcock's line of fire.
Later in the evening, the wind shifted to the south and large snowflakes began to blow directly into the cove.
A scented breeze shifted, and blew directly into Todd's hot face.