The blow slammed her against the wall, then dropped her to the floor as if she'd been nailed there.
A dull lancelike blow slammed into his shoulder, followed by a second and a third.
Saggio stepped to the thin man, slammed a blow to the side of his head.
The blow slammed the slight woman against the side wall, bruising her good shoulder.
The second blow, this time with a blunt object like a rifle butt, slammed me back to the bottom of the boat.
Shran felt as though a physical blow had abruptly slammed all the air from his lungs.
A powerful blow slammed my wrist as it came into the light.
The blow slammed her against Skeeter, knocked them both sideways.
The blow slammed into her left cheek with such force she saw lights explode.
When he said nothing, a much harder blow slammed into the same spot.