Not about the body in the box, about the dark blue Buick.
He buys a car, a battered blue Buick from a technician who is leaving.
Anyway, they caught me an hour later heading out of town in a stolen car, the mayor's blue Buick.
He had stopped beside the body of an old blue Buick.
And my sister was somewhere in the powder blue Buick.
I was associated with the powder blue Buick.
Instead of the usual 10-minute zip to the museum, she got a 38-minute crosstown crawl in her blue Buick.
He'd found a year-old dark blue Buick and said the dealer guaranteed it for at least a week.
They are parked in a driveway around the corner from the blue Buick.
The agents of Group 41 stand in the sunlight beside the blue Buick.