All are stored in small blue barrels, which are labeled with the name of the ingredient and the date.
There was a long blue barrel, a matte-black plastic stock, a telescopic lens.
The guy in the undershirt came out with another big blue barrel.
I was in an open area where there were at least ten more of the big blue barrels.
All the blue barrels were lined up in an orderly row, waiting for the trash truck.
They stared at the guns: buffalo rifles and pistols with long blue barrels, and far beyond their means.
At home he didn't spook at bright blue barrels, a wall or planks, so we decided it was time for our first party.
Jeremiah was aware of a blue barrel aimed at his head.
The east wall had three large blue barrels, each apparently filled with solvent.
"See if you can't arrange that last resort tiling," the other guard said, patting the heavy blue barrel of his weapon.